And then I started this year’s garden.
As I mentioned last time, in the summer all of our meals come from the garden. Meat consumption plummets as the plants get going. So I’ve decided to join the legion of Chicago garden bloggers and start posting about the garden, and about the food I make from it. I’ll try to keep it linked to the cooking for now (all food gardeners are cooks) but who knows.
Thanks for inspiration to my many, many friends on the MyFolia community garden blog, and to MrBrownThumb, who knows about it, and to YouGrowGirl and MySkinnyGarden, where I lurk.

Ingredients for a cooking gardener are “what is in the garden today?” This batch:
From the garden:
Early spinach
Mustard greens
Sugar snap snow peas
Wild onion greens
From the cupboard:
Almond slivers
3 slices of bacon
For tips on stir fry, see Rock stars need to eat, too.
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